Saturday, December 2, 2006

Which would you rather have....single digit temps and lower, or an inch of ice and maybe no heat?

HHHMMMMM....I really don't have to think about that one! Would rather have the low temps! All that ice is more dangerous than the low temps. Not to mention that I absolutely HATE driving on ice!
We got a little snow here in Fairbanks also, but not much. Everyone here tells me that we are behind in snowfall and when I told them of what was going on in the Midwest, they said that you all were getting our snow!!! I'm sure many people would be more than happy to send it this way!!
I just read something on the net that Amerun UE (the electric company that serves most of the southern halves of Illinois & Missouri) is reporting that 520,000 customers are without electricity. Sounds like a repeat of almost 6 months ago where 1 million + were without power for a minimum of 3 days after two powerful sets of thunderstorms rolled through.

The above pictures are from:

I found several pictures I'd love to post, but I'd have to shell out ~$8 @ to the Post Dispatch to buy them...will describe some.

1. Someone cleaning up a downed tree due to the ice....they had on the basics:coat with a hood & gloves, and then had a face mask on. All I can say is "Wuss!!!!" (the temps was somewhere around 30--again WUSS!)

2. Someone shoveling their driveway in flipflops & shorts. O.k.....can we say "Stupid?!"

Well, it's about 1:30 am, no longer snowing. I guess I should get to bed for I want to get up and take some pictures of the thick coating of frost on everything around here when the sun is coming up...that is about 10:22 am... will have about 4 1/2 hours of 12/22, will be down to 3 hours and 42 minutes.

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