Monday, September 24, 2007

Anchorage bound

I'm getting really excited about this next assignment that I have. Though, I do have to admit, part of the excitement is due to my new home.
I'm excited about the new position, as for it will be a step up in skill level. It is a Long Term Acute Care Hospital. Essentially, it's a large step down unit. This hospital will not have OR suites or an ED. As it was explained to me, some patients are ones that need more time on a vent, or are too sick to go home and be alone but for one reason or another can't go to a rehab facility or are in need of some complicated dressing changes that home health is not willing to do.
It will be interesting to see how close my job comes to the descriptions.

What has me really excited is my new house, I've already got paint picked out for the rooms and I can't wait to get painting, which by the way, won't be any problems since I don't have any furniture to put in it at the moment. That is something that when I think about it, gives me mixed emotions, both excitement and dread. Excited cuz I get to shop, dread because I get to shop...I'm not looking forward to the tired feet from pounding the floors of department stores looking for the right couch, dishes or curtain nor am I looking forward to arranging deliveries on the larger items either!

Now, some people think that I'm crazy enough to drive from Willow to Anchorage every day (where do people get this idea?...I'm not that nuts, am I?). Let me shatter that belief right now! I'm not going to nor am I willing to drive 80-90 miles after a 12 hour night shift, much less turn around and do again that very evening...especially during the winter! What I'm doing is that I'm splitting time with another nurse, who works 12 hour day shifts, on a garage apartment. When I have more than one or 2 days off (or no plans to do anything in Anchorage or the Kenia) I will drive to Willow and Paco and I will spend time there.

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